Preventative Maintenance

Preventative Maintenance for Explosion Protection Systems

Some of the things that our techs do when doing a Preventative Maintenance for an Explosion Protection System:

  1. Cleaning and testing of detectors.
  2. Checking of battery back-up.
  3. Testing of all system discharge circuits and assure proper firing current.
  4. Testing control panel for proper operation.
  5. Checking canisters and pressure levels, damage, and or installation.
  6. Checking all annunciators and alarms for proper operation.
  7. Testing all field wiring for proper electrical values.
  8. Cycling and testing all interlocks, and other electrical components.
  9. Submission of a written report documenting inspection data and observations made by technician performing inspection.
  10. Material and labor required to repair the equipment if not in proper operational condition will be invoiced separately. Parts necessary for repair will be billed at an additional cost.
  11. In the event of an actual discharge of the system, we will inspect the installation and recommend to the owner materials and labor needed to return the system to proper operational status. Materials and labor will be invoiced to the owner. The cost of the system recharge is not covered under this contract.
  12. It is mutually agreed that this agreement covers the components and conditions which exist at the time this contract is executed, and that the owner must advise us of any changes in components or conditions beyond those of normal operation prior to those changes being affected. We reserve the right to terminate or amend this contract at the time to incorporate the changes being made.
  13. We will assume no responsibility for repair and will declare this agreement null and void on any equipment rendered inoperable due to negligence, misuse of equipment, because of flood, act of God, shortage of electrical supply, sabotage, vandalism, or damage caused by freezing.

We appreciate the opportunity to be of service and safety is important to us. If you need any more detail as to the preventive maintenance of the system, please contact us at your convenience.